
Missionary Evangelism Inc is passionate about Christian ministry in all its forms.
From Christian education to orphan care, we exists to support and expand the reach of the Gospel.


Macedonian Christian Academy

Because of Christ, disciples are made and families are built.

Macedonian Christian Academy strives to help make God an all consuming reality in the lives of its families and students. The goal is to collectively realize that God has a sovereign purpose for each of His redeemed children who are created to enjoy Him and His plan for our lives. We endeavor to see graduates who lead a life that is worthy of the gospel and marked by a Biblical worldview.


Missionary Internship

The Missionary Intern Program provides an opportunity for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve for a short period of time as a missionary. Many of the interns choose to continue as missionaries in their various areas of service, from teaching and administrative support at MCA to serving in the local church. God asked Isaiah, “Whom shall I send, who will go for us?” Our answer should always be “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8


Mission Trip Ministry

Established in 1998, the MEI Mission Trip Ministry takes the American church to the mission field in the hopes of encouraging the team members to commit their lives to God’s service. These trips include endeavors such as child and youth evangelism, community evangelism, construction projects, and open-air Bible schools.


Other Ministry Endeavors

Orphan Assistance

James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled is this: to visit orphans ... in their affliction.” Responding to this call, we provide financial assistance to orphans and other children without means through scholarships and orphanage ministry donations.

Building God’s Kingdom

Macedonian Christian Academy’s ability to fulfill its mission is limited by distance between its elementary and secondary campuses. We are continually working to bring the entire student body together on one campus. This endeavor, called “Reuniting the Family,” will help to better facilitate discipleship among the student body and all MCA staff. These facilities include new classrooms, offices, soccer fields, community areas, as well as storage and maintenance facilities. The older buildings on the other campus will then be converted into living quarters, greatly increasing the number of interns and missionaries we can house. Our God-sized goal is $1,550,000. If you can help to meet this need in any way, please consider a donation.